Dave Russo is an independent writer, editor, and digital project manager.
He’s the consulting editor for The Coach Gaither Story (joegaither.com), a sports biography about the coaching career and spiritual journey of a youth basketball coach.
He is the author of Summer Music Festival at Natural Chimneys Park, a small handmade book with haiku and sketches about the Red Wing Music Festival in Mount Solon, Virginia (davewrussopoet.com). His haiku have been published in such journals as frogpond, Modern Haiku, and Acorn. His free verse has appeared in Tar River Poetry and The Southern Poetry Anthology, Volume VII: North Carolina.
Dave is a founding member of The Haiku Foundation. He’s managed the Foundation website since its inception. He coordinates and supports the work of volunteers, guest editors, and service providers.
He is the events coordinator for the North Carolina Haiku Society. He helped organize two Haiku North America events in Winston-Salem.
Dave has been a technical communicator and writing team leader for large and small companies.
He enjoys photography and gardening.